List of Events and Calls for Registration
"Research Commons" is a project that integrates four interdisciplinary research projects started in 2014, namely Earth and Environmental Systems, Genetic Function Systems, Social Communication, and Systems Resilience, with thee coordinated data-centric science infrastructure projects. To promote the discovery of new themes, interdisciplinary collaboration, and human development, the following three events will be held:
"International workshops" are held on an ongoing basis in order to invite and gather domestically and internationally distinguished researchers in the fields of polar science, informatics, statistics, and genetics in a retreat-style format to freely brainstorm and establish new methods of research to help solve challenging social issues. While the workshops aim to formulate a road map of data-centric science and establish research methodologies, their achievements will be published globally in order to strengthen the position of the organization as an advanced international research institute.
Researcher Exchange Program
This program offers six-month to one-year research opportunities for full-time researchers in Japanese universities using the sabbatical system. In addition to the world-class research environment, the participants have access to large-scale data and can learn from researchers in polar science, informatics, statistics, and genetics, who promote the Research Commons projects. Hosting the participants within the organization stimulates the exchange of human resources between the universities and the organization, thus creating a positive feedback loop of further joint access and research.
Crosstalk for Young Researchers
As a part of the transdisciplinary research projects, an annual "Crosstalk" is held to create "networking" of future transdisciplinary researchers. Young students, project researchers, and teachers from different fields meet in one location to discuss transcending the usual perspectives, as well as their fields of research. This provides an opportunity to reflect on research fields, as well as planting the "seeds" of new interdisciplinary research.